Crochet Throw

There are so many patterns to crochet a blanket or throw. This is one of the most beautiful crochet throw or blanket patterns and it is very easy to crochet the throw using this pattern. I did not see anyone combining the crossed over double crochet stitches and I came up with this pattern just by trying something different. The pattern is just gorgeous. Also see my other patterns using this stitch and you can find them here.
The most amazing part is that for this throw you can use any yarn weight and you can crochet this throw as big as you want it to be! You can get a printable pdf of this written crochet throw pattern on Etsy here.

The pattern is written in American Standard Terms and is suitable for comfortable beginner that knows how to crochet a crossed over double crochet stitch.
To crochet this throw I am using Vanna’s Choice weight 4 yarn and I 9 / 5.5 mm crochet hook. Again, you can use a different weight yarn. I used approximately 900 yards to crochet this throw. You can get the yarn here.
To crochet this throw pattern use multiples of 2 plus 1 additional chain. If you prefer to make this throw longer, add more chains using multiples of 2 plus 1.
It is important to work xdcf and xdc as instructed to get the desired pattern. You also can watch a short video tutorial how to crochet xdcf and xdc. The xdc stitch in a video tutorial is demonstrated as a first way how to crochet a crossed over double crochet stitch and xdcf as a second way how to crochet a crossed over double crochet stitch. Please see the short YouTube tutorial how to crochet this stitch here. Also, see below how to crochet these stitches.
This crochet throw is also available as a video tutorial here.
How to for beginners
How to crochet dc = double crochet stitch: Yarn over and insert the crochet hook into the stitch. Yarn over and pull through the stitch. You should now have three loops on the hook. Yarn over and pull the yarn through two loops. Yarn over one more time and pull the yarn through two loops.
How to crochet xdc = crossed double crochet stitch: Skip one stitch, dc into the next stitch, then dc into the skipped stitch as follows: yarn over, insert your hook into the skipped stitch, and loop yarn again (3 loops on the hook). Finish the double crochet as you would normally do: yarn over, pull through the first two loops, yarn over, and pull through the last two loops. This stitch is demonstrated as a first way to make xdc in a video tutorial here.
How to crochet xdcf = crossed double crochet front stitch: Yarn over, skip the next stitch and insert hook into the following stitch and made a dc stitch. Yarn over, come back to the stitch you skipped from the front of the double crochet stitch you made, insert hook into the stitch from behind and pull up a loop. Yarn over and pull through first two loops, yarn over and pull through last two loops. This stitch is demonstrated as a second way to crochet xdcf in a video tutorial here.
The yarn used to crochet this throw is Vanna’s Choice medium, weight 4, soft acrylic. I used approximately 900 yarns and the throw is 32 inches by 35 inches.
Crochet hook used to crochet this throw is I 9, 5.5 mm.
Video Tutorial
A video tutorial takes you through the entire pattern from the beginning to the end! If you are not sure how to crochet any of the stitches the video tutorial is here to show you how.
ch = chain stitch
dc = double crochet
xdcf – crossed double crochet working the second double crochet in front of the first dc. See how to work this stitch below.
xdc – crossed double crochet stitch working the second double crochet in the skipped stitch as you would normally do.
st – stitch
sts – stitches
** = repeat instructions between asterisk to finish the row
Pattern Instructions
To see a video tutorial please go here.
To purchase for a small fee ads free printable pdf written pattern please go here. The printable pdf pattern also includes a lot of pictures.
Start crocheting this throw by chaining 100+1. You can use a different number of stitches and chain multiples of 2+1.
Row 1: Insert the hook into the 3rd chain from the hook, dc in each chain across (100 dc counting 2 chains as a dc);
Row 2 to Row 4 crochet 2 chains and turn your work, then work dc in each dc across (100 dc counting 2 chains as a dc);

Row 5: 2ch, turn; 6dc, xdcf across, finish the row with 7 dc in the last 7 dc st’s (100 dc);
Row 6: ch 2, turn; 6 dc, xdc across (work xdc as it was noted in “How to crochet” above. Work xdc in previous row’s xdcf), dc in last 7 st
Continue working Row 7 and Row 8 with dc stitches.

Continue repeating Row 5, Row 6, Row 7 and Row 8 until the desired length is reached.
Finish the throw with 4 double crochet rows. For my size I crochet total 70 rows and my finished crochet throw is 32 inches by 35 inches.