Crochet & Knitting Patterns & Tutorials
On this website you will find crochet and knitting patterns and tutorials. You may also purchase very detailed printable pdf written patterns that include a lot of pictures on Etsy here.
In addition, please visit New Patterns page that includes the patterns that I am working currently and the links of the finalized projects.
Thank you so much for visiting. I am creating and posting the new patterns all the time so please visit again!

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Labai nuostabūs nėriniai,Įspūdingai atrodo šalikas su kišenėmis.Pavasarį būtinai nusinersiu ,ačiū už įdėja.
Hello, I have been looking for a neck warmer, the one I found is the cream colored one next to the gray one in your picture. It says adv>anced beginner intermediate level wt 6 yarn. Is there any way you could make me one like this. I dont know how to crochet, or could you have someone make this for me, please? thank you.
I can make one for you. I will send the link where you can purchase it shortly.
Thank you
Sveiki, es gribēju zināt savu cenu.
You can get the patterns on Etsy here: